

Displaying products 1 - 2 of 2 results
1967 – ’68 1-pc Chevy Camaro Carbon Fiber Front End With 1-3/4" High Cowl Induction Hood & Bumper
Price: $1,049.00
1967 – ’68 1-pc Chevy Camaro Carbon Fiber Front End With 1-3/4" High Cowl Induction Hood & Bumper
CA280c: Another first from Unlimited Products! Our built-in cowl induction hood is a replica of the '69 Chevrolet Camaro cowl induction. Underside of the scoop area is open for carb clearance. A full inner structure insures rigidity and strength.
1969 Chevy Camaro Carbon Fiber Front-Clip, Less Hood
CA-980 Pictured
Price: $1,249.00
1969 Chevy Camaro Carbon Fiber Front-Clip, Less Hood
CA980c: 1969 Chevrolet Camaro CARBON FIBER front clip, less hood (wrap around front end: fenders, upper & lower front panels, grill area...all one piece). Features built in flange for mounting hood. Real Carbon Fiber, not vinyl wrap or hydro dip!