H-365: Chevy/Chevrolet Chevelle & El Camino. Further weight reduction is accomplished by replacing original with this fiberglass reproduction. It has 1965 style back-up light holes cut out. 1965 lights can be installed.
H-611: Rear fiberglass bumpers for 1966 Chevrolet Chevelle. You can install these bumpers directly to original bumper brackets or install to lightweight fabricated brackets. Paint color of the car or flat black. Each bumper weighs approx. 3 pounds.
H-711: Rear bumper for 1967 Chevrolet Chevelle. Made of durable hand laid fiberglass. Grey gel coat finish for easy painting. Color match to car or paint black. Mounts to original brackets.
H811: Rear bumper for 1968 Chevy Chevelle. Full fiberglass construction. Bolts to original bumper brackets (will not fit El Camino).
H-911: Further weight reduction is accomplished by replacing original with this fiberglass reproduction. All contours are designed to match the original Chevy (will not fit 68 and El Camino).
H73: 1971 - '72 Chevrolet Chevelle rear bumper. This is the "71 style rear bumper with "round" back up light holes. It will fit the '70, ("70 had square back up light holes).